designing for the evolving workplace

our value
our mission
our vision
We have a passion for optimizing space to reach its full potential and servicing you throughout the whole process.
To satisfy all aspects of a project by providing a holistic approach through planning, design, project management, and move management services under one roof.
It is our goal to achieve client satisfaction by planning and designing both functional and creative spaces tailored to current and future needs while appeasing both budget and taste.
To plan for current and evolving work methods by designing flexible, dynamic spaces that satisfy both today's trends and progressive behaviors of future generations while implementing our knowledge, experience, and expertise in the design industry.

Recent projects

Valley Vintage Motorworks, CCRI: Community College of Rhode Island, Rochester Hotel and Smokehouse,
Baker Worldwide, LLC, Beaver Library, Xylem, OpenArc, NNDS: National Network of Digital Schools,
Johnson's Heating & Cooling, Marbull's Restaurant & Tavern, Ingros Family, LLC, The Empyrean Group, LLC,
Rice Energy, Landmark Properties Group, Raymond James Financial Services, Inc.,
CNS: Communication Network Solutions, Fenner Dunlop Americas, Inc., Eyenavision, Inc.,
ALCOSAN: Allegheny County Sanitary Authority, Martek Power: A Cooper Bussmann Company,
EDMC: Education Management Corporation, LavaLux LED, Marconi Communications / Ericsson,
Skelly and Loy, Inc., King Penguin Properties, LLC, U.S. Specialty Steel, Electrolux, Carnegie Learning, Inc.,
PA Distance Learning Charter School, B.F. Jones Memorial Library,
Federated Investors, Inc. (Through Virginia Weida Designs, LLC), Miller Electric Construction, Inc.,
Pittsburgh Glass Block Co., Wooden Angel Restaurant
contact us

Have a project and wondering if we can help?
We'd love to hear from you!